Raúl Coutinho-Garrido

Raúl Coutinho-Garrido

The Integration Fallacy: Rethinking Work-Life Balance

The Integration Fallacy: Rethinking Work-Life Balance

Given how the world operates with defined boundaries between work and private life, James A. Michener's contrast to the norm prompts us to reconsider. He tells us to look for the connections in which both the passion and the purpose come together almost effortlessly.
3 min read
The Lure of Platform Software Engineering over Application Development

The Lure of Platform Software Engineering over Application Development

In a world where Application Development is simpler, I go through Platform Engineering's endless potential. Contemplating platforms' complicated beauty, complexity's appeal, and the satisfaction of addressing interrelated challenges that create technological ecosystems of the future.
5 min read
Manifest: Disrupting Through Dissent - The Drive to Questioning Conformity

Manifest: Disrupting Through Dissent - The Drive to Questioning Conformity

Dissent is a word that signals revolt and defiance. It's the voice of the minority, opposing the majority. It's the unafraid pursuit of risk, questioning rules and challenging norms.
2 min read
Unlocking Potential Through the Transition from Management Consulting to Asset-Based Consulting (ABC)

Unlocking Potential Through the Transition from Management Consulting to Asset-Based Consulting (ABC)

Asset-Based Consulting stands apart due to its reliance on highly valued human resources and a culture that promotes entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation.
8 min read